We are the mythical family…
That's probably a little confusing. Hello! Welcome to our space on the interwebs. We are a blended family of four. As a family we share so many of the same things in common! Those include Gaming, All Things Nerd, Adventure, Creativity, LGBTQUIA+, different ethnicity and living a really good life right where we are at.
That's kind of the purpose of this blog, this website. We realized there are many families like us, and that we aren't mainstream. So what better reason to get ourselves out there, but to connect with others like us, and different too. After all, different is what makes us unique.
Our love of gaming includes everything from console and PC gaming, to TTRPG (tabletop role playing), table top board gaming, and VR Gaming. We love finding new games and getting together with our groups to hang out, socialize, and spend some time lost in imagination.
I, Mom (aka Boss Babe, Geek Goddess.. oh.. haha.. sorry), have a Dragon's love of dice! I collect them in addition to gaming with them and will be posting about them as I joyously hoard MORE. MOARRR.. Sorry. Where was I? Oh yes the math rocks. I do plan on making my own in the near future so stay tuned for that. I'll be posting about my adventures with silicon and resin and ALL THINGS GLITTER.
I have an incredible partner, (aka Head hottie, our DM extrordinaire) who is teaching all of us to be better writers, players, and people. He's incredible. He won't tell you that, but we sure will. He runs some incredibly cool games for not only us, but friends and at local conventions, for many others. I'll let him tell you more about himself later.
My eldest child is creative little cat and a wicked little artist. She is a teen full of dreams, and endless imagination at the tip of her digital pen. We will be featuring her art in galleries and speed draws on the site, so check her out! Truly her art is amazing.
My youngest is a giant among us but what a hero's heart. He is a brilliant and actually funny young man. He loves to game across many media types. We will hopefully feature some of him playing or streaming on here in addition to his VR escapades.
Now.. you might be thinking that all we do is stay indoors hooked to one device or another. But we don't. We love adventure remember! As a family we often head out on road trips. We live in the beautiful western part of the US. We love to rockhound, camp, explore, and find hotsprings!
As a family it's not all happy adventure. We have come through a lot to get to where we are. Things that we are proud of surviving. Things that many people don't have to face. This isn't the post to dwell on the past, but we don't shy away from it either. Communication is important to our legendary status. It's what keeps us connected and thriving. So topics may come up and we will discuss them honestly, and openly, and there is zero room on this space for racism, prejudice, bigotry, homophobia or hate. Zero. Just be forewarned.
So that's it for the intro right now. More about us individually as we get settled in here. This week we have a con coming up that I'm excited about! Such cool stuff to show you! Until then....